Something happened over 1000 years ago. It's not clear what that event was, as there are no written accounts from that long ago, but all technology was destroyed and every civilization was knocked back into the stone age. All that is known of that time comes from mythical tales of cities that traveled between the stars, of clever and dangerous machines that thought, and of great libraries that were lost. As civilizations rose again, these stories turned into a general distrust of complex computers, a taboo against artificial intelligence, and a strong preference for distributed and durable storage of information.
The first culture to return to space came from Losuria. A badly damaged spacecraft was found on their moon, Dilasha, and from this the Losurian archaeologists and scientists were able to work out the principles behind the Spindizzy drive. Ten years later they made contact with the people of Sheobhem, and Imurel and Pohuam soon thereafter. Within twenty years the seven worlds were reunited by loose connections of interstellar trade and exchange.
In 964, 44 years after the Losurian return to space, the government of Sifhiam launched an invasion into the Gelleroth system and took control of the planet Rochak. Interstellar war broke out, with Sifhiam and Sheobhem on one side, Losuria and Pohuam on the other, and Imurel staying largely neutral. This war simmered away for 17 years, with shifting alliances, broken treaties, and small scale attacks. Eventually a treaty was worked out that proved to be stable, and the resources of Rochak were designated to be the property of all the worlds.
An interplanetary council was formed to oversee planetary governments and serve as a forum for negotiating treaties. This council was hosted on each world in turn for a period of seven standard years, and maintained a small bureaucracy on each. Over the next 50 years, the council gained greater authority as it governed the Seven Worlds. The practice of moving the council from planet to planet was abandoned as inefficient, and Losuria was selected to be center of government.
The year is now 1031.