
  Shi silhouette

Size: 0.6m (2')
Weight: 4.5kg (10 lbs.)
Lifespan: 45 years
Maximum life expectancy: 70 years

Tiny, with squeaky voices, the Shi appear to be humans on a small scale. The Shi reach their maximum height around the 6th year of life, and are considered mature at 8 years old, and elderly by the age of 35.

The diet of the Shi tends to be vegetarian, with a strong preference for fruit, nuts, dairy products, and sweets.

Folklore has it that the Shi once lived and ruled in the Outer Realm, but were cast out by demons many centuries ago.


The Shi are generally bi-lingual, speaking both Kotha-Baran and Shen with equal fluency. The differences between the Shen dialects of Pohuam and Losuria are particularly strong.

Religion - Nashaal

The religion of the Shi, called Nashal, is codified in the Loko Osh Otswmo (book of the dead), the Loko Osh Myrw (book of life), and the Loko Osh Katsw (book of the future). These three texts are often combined into a single, untitled volume.

The Loko Osh Otswmo is a book of myths detailing how Tw Shule (the evil one) captured all the people of the world and imprisoned them, with the Shi being his favored agents. When the other gods discovered the plans of Tw Shule and there was an apocalyptic battle in which the Shi were cast down from the skies, and Tw Shule destroyed himself along with the other gods and all of heaven.

The Loko Osh Myrw is a book of rules governing an individual's behavior. It includes sections on proper construction and wearing of clothing, food preparation and dietary restrictions, property rights and dispute resolution, and restrictions on courtship and marriage.

The Loko Osh Katsw is a short, philosophical work that is meant to guide an individual's way of thinking. Of all the three texts, the Loko Osh Katsw is the most likely to be published on its own.


The Shi have a strong matrilineal descent system with minimal recognition of the father's role. The Shen language does not even have a word for "father". The male parent is referred to as "uncle" along with any of the mother's male siblings (though often the biological father is referred to as "best uncle"). A person is not considered to be related to any of their biological father's relatives.

Upon a woman's death all of her property is divided up equally among her daughters. It is generally expected that the daughters will provide care for a widowed "best uncle"

Gender Roles

The Shi expect that only women can hold positions of political power. All other roles can be filled by people of any gender. People of non-binary genders are accepted as they present themselves.