

Shen makes use of 26 letters (19 consonants and 7 vowels). When written by non-Shi, Shen makes use of a subset of the Narashic glyphs, but the Shi use a very different system of writing involving ideograms, commonly referred to as Shiol


Glyph Letter(s)  IPA  Pronunciation
b b [b] as b in bet
c ch [tʃ] as ch in chin
d d [d] as d in dog
f f [f] as f in fit
g g [g] as g in go
h h [h] as h in hat
j j [dʒ] as j in jury
k k [k] as k in kick
l l [l] as l in line
m m [m] as m in mat
n n [n] as n in never
p p [p] as p in pig
r r [r] as r in rat
s s [s] as s in see
S sh [ʃ] as sh in worship
t t [t] as t in top
T th [θ] as th in thin
v v [v] as v in vine
z z [z] as z in zero
Z zh [ʒ] as s in measure


Glyph Letter(s)  IPA  Pronunciation
a a [ɑ] as a in ball
A u [ə] as a in soda
e e [ɛ] as e in bet
i i [ɪ] as i in bit
o o [o] as o in no
u w [u] as oo in too
y y [i] as ee in see

Doubled consonants are either pronounced twice (e.g. p, k, t) or have a longer duration (e.g. m, n, l, s). Doubled (long) vowels are pronounced the same as the single form, except that the have a longer duration.

When writing using the Narashic glyphs, the words are written from left to right, with the glyphs within each word going from top to bottom. When presenting text this way, the individual glyphs should be rotated 90° to clockwise.

quSA   → quSA

Word Order

A simple sentence has three main parts, the verb (V), the subject (S) and the object (O).

Shen uses a VSO word order.

There may be additional words in between but the subject, object, and verb will always appear in this order relative to each other.

Verb (V)
The verb denotes what is being done in the sentence. Verbs appear in the dictionary in the infinitive form but this form is generally not used in sentences. Verbs are instead inflected based on what the subject is, what the tense is or other things like mood and aspect.

Subject (S)
The subject is the thing in the sentence that is doing something. The subject is generally either a noun or a pronoun at least in simple sentences. The subject is always in the nominative case which is the base form of a noun or pronoun. This is also the form of the word that you find in the vocabulary.

Object (O)
The object of the sentence is the thing that the subject is doing something to. This is often a noun or a pronoun. There may be sentences that do not have an object. The object generally appears in the accusative case. Check the section on noun cases for further information about this.


All modifiers end in a "u" or "e".

Modifiers are words that modify a verb, noun, other words, or a clause. In Shen, modifiers immediately follow the word or clause they modify.

Number System

Shen has words for numbers from zero to eight, which indicates a base 8 numbering system.

zero - itse
one - he
two - ethe
three - ame
four - wme
five - ne
six - pe
seven - she
eight - ore

Color Terms

In Shen, color terms immediately follow the object to which they apply. All color terms end in a "e".

black - mire
white - halge
red - lwme
blue - unwre
yellow - asothe
green - itare
brown - echale
orange - felne
pink - feke
purple - gade
gray - nalge


Shen uses a set of six pronouns, with no marking of gender.

1st person (I/we) - no
2nd person (you) - shw
3rd person, specific (he/she/it/they) - rw
3rd person, indefinite (one) - tw
3rd person, universal (all) - nw

There is no specific distinction made between singular and plural forms of pronouns, but in common practice the universal pronoun "nw" is placed before the first three to specifically indicate the plural.

no [I/we] nw no [we]
shw [you] nw shw [all you]
rw [he/she/it/they] nw rw [they]


All nouns end in a vowel, typically "o", "w", or "y". Gerunds (verbs serving as a noun) end in "a". Nouns can be converted into modifiers by adding the suffix "-u".

Noun Case

Shen indicates the roll of nouns (case) within a sentence through the use of prepositions.


The Nominative case is the basic form of the noun. It is used when the noun is the subject of a sentence. The Nominative case is not marked, and is indicated only through word order.


The Accusative case is when the noun appears as the object of a sentence. The Accusative case is not marked, and is indicated only through word order.


The Ablative case is used to denote movement away from the noun. The Ablative case is marked with the preposition "tsif".

Teen no tsif oshy [I went from the island]


The Allative case is used to denote movement towards the noun. The Allative case is marked with the preposition "tsw".

Teen no tsw oshy [I went to the island]


The Dative case is used to denote the noun to which something is given. The Dative case is marked with the preposition "elach".


The Genitive case is the possessive case and is used when the noun is in possession of something. The Genitive case is marked with the preposition "osh".

Teen no tsw oshy osh no [I went to the island that belongs to me]


The Locativecase is used to denote the location of the object. The Locative case is marked with the preposition "oh".

Shaan no oh osh [I slept at the island]


The Instrumental case is used to indicate that a noun is the instrument or means by or with which the subject achieves or accomplishes an action. The Instrumental case is marked with the preposition "tsil".

Nuush no nonw tsil tsipu [I made the wall with bricks]


All verbs end in a consonant. Verbs can be converted into nouns (gerunds) by adding the suffix "-a".

Verb Tense

Shen indicates aspect and modality of a verb through the use of auxiliaries which precede the verb, and tense by a shift in the final vowel.

Present tense

The Present tense is the basic form of the verb. It is used when the action is occurring at the present time. The Present tense is not marked.

Shan no [I sleep]
Ten no [I go]
Koh no [I endure]
Nush no [I make]
Hyk no [I do]

Past tense

The Past tense is used when the action occurred in the past. The Past tense is marked by doubling the final vowel in the verb.

Shan no [I sleep] Shaan no [I slept]
Ten no [I go] Teen no [I went]
Koh no [I endure] Kooh no [I endured]
Nush no [I make] Nuush no [I made]
Hyk no [I do] Hyyk no [I did]

Future tense

The Future tense is used when the action has not yet occurred. The Future tense is marked by transforming the final vowel:

"a" "ay"
"e" "ey"
"i" "iy"
"o" "oy"
"u" "uy"
"w" "wy"
"y" "ye"

Shan no [I sleep] Shayn no [I will sleep]
Ten no [I go] Teyn no [I will go]
Koh no [I endure] Koyh no [I will endure]
Nush no [I make] Nuysh no [I will make]
Hyk no [I do] Hyek no [I will do]

Indicative mode

The Indicative mode is used to indicate that something is actually the case and is not normally marked, but may be used for emphasis. The Indicative mode is marked with the auxiliary "te".

te koh no
Te koh no
[I do endure]

Conditional mode

The Conditional mode is used to speak of an event whose realization is dependent upon a condition. The Conditional mode is marked with the auxiliary pair "ro" and "ralu".

ro San no ralu koyh no
Ro shan no ralu koyh no
[If I sleep then I will endure]

Optative mode

The Optative mode is used to express hopes, or wishes. The Optative mode is marked with the auxiliary "en".

en ten no
En ten no
[I want to go]

Imperative mode

The Imperative mode is used for direct commands and requests. The Imperative mode is marked with the auxiliary "ena".

ena ten Su
Ena ten shu
[You will go!]

Prohibitive mode

The Prohibitive mode is used to indicate that the action of the verb is not permitted. The Prohibitive mode is marked with the auxiliary "esa".

esa ten Su
Esa ten shu
[You must not go!]

Interrogative mode

The Interrogative mode is used for asking questions. The Interrogative mode is marked with the auxiliary "ho".

ho koh no
Ho koh no
[Will I endure?]

Habitual aspect

The Habitual aspect is used to indicate a habit that has no point of completion. The Habitual aspect is marked with the auxiliary "pa".

pa San no
Pa shan no
[I do sleep]

Continuous aspect

The Continuous aspect is used to indicate an action that is in a state of continuing. The Continuous aspect is marked with the auxiliary "tha".

Ta San no
Tha shan no
[I am sleeping]

Inceptive aspect

The Inceptive aspect is used to indicate the beginning stage of an action. The Inceptive aspect is marked with the auxiliary "ra".

ra Saan no
Ra shaan no
[I fell asleep]

Shen to English Glossary

achak (v) - pay
achan (v) - seal
ache (m) - public
achetw (n) - secretary
achin (v) - snore
achum (v) - work
achw (n) - front
achy (n) - society
achyh (v) - train
achyhy (n) - mind
achyru (m) - hard
afe (m) - then
afos (v) - sort
afw (n) - dress
afymy (n) - heat
ahe (m) - dry
ahel (v) - hang
ahihe (m) - not
aholy (n) - needle
ahw (n) - liquid
ahyfe (m) - forward
akam (v) - say
akasu (m) - dear
ake (m) - late
akeh (v) - poke
ako (n) - summer
akuh (v) - repeat
akw (n) - fire
akyth (v) - wrap
alahw (n) - pot
alaly (n) - smoke
alek (v) - choke
alepw (n) - lip
alo (v) - pull
alot (v) - pump
alothy (n) - profit
aluk (v) - shine
alune (m) - clear
alw (n) - moon
aly (n) - button
ame (num) - three
ameche (m) - north
amine (m) - medical
amip (v) - justify
amo (n) - library
amur (v) - chop
amw (n) - steel
amy (n) - leather
amychy (m) - new
an (tense) - (future tense marker)
anak (v) - rescue
anasy (n) - religion
ane (m) - common
anel (v) - solve
anishe (m) - healthy
ano (n) - vessel
anuf (v) - apologize
anuko (n) - crime
anw (n) - salt
any (n) - pen
anym (v) - hug
anyro (n) - chalk
apehw (n) - crack
apine (m) - kind
apitw (n) - pump
apo (n) - family
apy (n) - authority
apychu (m) - far
are (m) - mixed
arehw (n) - office
arer (v) - delay
arim (v) - dwell
aro (n) - humor
arw (n) - sail
ary (n) - shame
aryth (v) - set
asafo (n) - middle
ase (m) - tomorrow
ashahu (m) - special
ashe (m) - well
ashich (v) - tickle
ashil (v) - stare
ashosho (n) - sneeze
ashum (v) - rise
ashup (v) - drive
ashw (n) - boot
asile (m) - female
asitw (n) - finger
aso (n) - sky
asothe (color) - yellow
asume (m) - but
asutso (n) - butter
asw (n) - sheep
asy (n) - payment
asyk (v) - fold
atesw (n) - kettle
athah (v) - execute
athan (v) - negotiate
athem (v) - become
athemw (n) - tail
athih (v) - sound
atho (n) - ink
athosh (v) - hurry
athw (n) - chin
athy (n) - tin
athyl (v) - sing
athyne (m) - separate
aticho (n) - noise
atif (v) - spoil
atih (v) - mark
atik (v) - bore
ato (n) - cheese
atoth (v) - arrange
atotse (m) - sad
atsache (m) - responsible
atse (m) - free
atsech (v) - locate
atselo (n) - idea
atsis (v) - log
atso (n) - market
atsol (v) - fix
atsopw (n) - train
atsy (n) - act
atuchy (n) - goat
atum (v) - thank
atw (n) - river
aty (n) - box
atytho (n) - sun
echale (color) - brown
eche (m) - foolish
echete (m) - right
echikw (n) - wool
echoly (n) - power
echop (v) - bind
echure (m) - electric
echuru (m) - important
echw (n) - page
echyhy (n) - brush
echykw (n) - wheel
echyle (m) - complete
efe (m) - military
efep (v) - spare
efur (v) - move
efw (n) - peace
efykw (n) - value
ehal (v) - polish
ehe (m) - wide
eho (n) - price
ehothw (n) - ice
ehufe (m) - tired
ehuse (m) - almost
ehw (n) - horse
ehy (n) - water
ehyk (v) - do
ehyn (v) - cure
eke (m) - ever
ekeh (v) - disappear
eko (n) - statement
ekol (v) - judge
ekope (m) - yesterday
ekor (v) - include
ekuch (v) - sit
ekuhw (n) - sugar
ekw (n) - sense
eky (n) - gold
elach (preposition) - from
elal (v) - bury
elapo (n) - name
ele (m) - broken
elo (n) - tongue
elw (n) - lock
elyche (m) - round
emap (v) - stop
eme (m) - flat
emepo (n) - toe
emitsy (n) - degree
emo (n) - connection
emok (v) - joke
emosw (n) - scissors
emuf (v) - discover
emw (n) - spade
emy (n) - farm
emyshe (m) - straight
en (tense) - (optative mode marker)
ena (tense) - (Imperative mode marker)
ene (m) - private
enenw (n) - cake
eneshe (m) - some
enim (v) - conserve
enipw (n) - industry
eno (n) - drop
enot (v) - control
enw (n) - plow
eny (n) - cork
enyl (v) - boast
epako (n) - sound
epamy (n) - money
epar (v) - imagine
epe (m) - little
epeth (v) - heat
epo (n) - war
epochw (n) - mountain
epor (v) - yawn
epw (n) - space
epy (n) - potato
epym (v) - guess
epys (v) - worry
erare (m) - all
eres (v) - behave
erich (v) - persuade
erir (v) - listen
ero (n) - ornament
eroto (n) - window
eruchw (n) - system
erutsy (n) - rat
erw (n) - way
ery (m) - out
esa (tense) - (Prohibitive mode marker)
esal (v) - invent
ese (m) - frequent
eshatso (n) - sister
eshe (m) - solid
eshesw (n) - bridge
eshih (v) - form
eshimo (n) - punishment
esho (n) - basin
eshuch (v) - wash
eshun (v) - induce
eshw (n) - fruit
eshy (n) - seat
eso (n) - point
esolo (n) - worm
esosh (v) - attack
esul (v) - forget
esun (v) - deserve
esw (n) - field
esy (n) - muscle
esyt (tense) - (present tense marker)
etaho (n) - powder
etamy (n) - rain
etath (v) - carve
ethanu (m) - probable
ethe (num) - two
ethehy (n) - thunder
ethet (v) - raise
ethir (v) - bend
ethitw (n) - theory
etho (n) - pipe
ethw (n) - pleasure
ethy (n) - snake
ethyk (v) - fail
etitso (n) - milk
eto (n) - pencil
etse (m) - wet
etso (n) - tooth
etsuke (m) - beautiful
etsutso (n) - note
etsw (n) - apparatus
etsy (n) - poison
etw (n) - stomach
ety (n) - collar
etyk (v) - whisper
faf (v) - risk
fafo (n) - list
fah (v) - flow
fale (m) - and
famw (n) - fish
fapon (v) - swim
farup (v) - clarify
farur (v) - enter
farw (n) - danger
fase (m) - tall
fashy (n) - harbor
fasuth (v) - look
fathw (n) - berry
feke (color) - pink
fel (v) - create
felne (color) - orange
femyp (v) - measure
fen (v) - chase
fer (v) - knock
feshun (v) - sneak
feth (v) - admire
fetsys (v) - beg
fil (v) - dive
fimys (v) - face
fin (v) - thaw
firach (v) - cut
fish (v) - light
fisush (v) - drop
fitet (v) - spin
fitsan (v) - empty
fofip (v) - punish
foh (v) - forsake
fohw (n) - ball
fohy (m) - certain
fokif (v) - boil
folw (n) - receipt
fom (v) - fry
fonef (v) - wish
fore (m) - other
fose (m) - feeble
foth (v) - eat
fotse (m) - that
fotsw (n) - map
foty (n) - language
fuke (m) - left
fumal (v) - unite
funyf (v) - dam
fup (v) - close
fuse (m) - slow
fusus (v) - hate
futsy (n) - paste
fychw (n) - organization
fyh (v) - hear
fyhyl (v) - battle
fyk (v) - scream
fyke (m) - loose
fymy (n) - structure
fyno (n) - flag
fyposh (v) - ruin
fyt (v) - consult
fytuth (v) - clothe
fyty (n) - dog
gade (color) - purple
hal (v) - moan
halge (color) - white
hamw (n) - comb
hash (v) - complete
hatsan (v) - sparkle
hatsy (n) - smash
he (num) - one
hen (v) - command
hepup (v) - preach
hepw (n) - mist
her (v) - kill
hesh (v) - enforce
hethes (v) - tempt
hetho (n) - end
hil (v) - cross
himet (v) - place
hin (v) - lean
hine (m) - bent
hinut (v) - mow
hiro (n) - apple
hithys (v) - search
hity (n) - trouble
hityl (v) - wonder
ho (tense) - (Interrogative mode marker)
hoch (v) - surprise
hocho (n) - circle
hochw (n) - expert
hok (v) - whine
hop (v) - attract
hor (v) - hop
hosh (v) - march
hothuk (v) - ask
huchir (v) - need
huko (n) - camera
hul (v) - suffer
huloth (v) - arrive
humy (n) - condition
hun (v) - realign
hupw (n) - cloud
hur (v) - itch
huth (v) - argue
huthe (m) - though
hutso (n) - marriage
hyp (v) - ban
hypyn (v) - offer
hyr (v) - step
hytak (v) - travel
hytsy (n) - stocking
hyty (n) - light
ichach (v) - call
ichachw (n) - soup
iche (m) - safe
ichek (v) - read
ichitso (n) - bird
icho (n) - present
ichuf (v) - copy
ichw (n) - limit
ichytho (n) - servant
ifahw (n) - brass
ife (m) - such
ifelw (n) - school
ifiky (n) - year
ifo (n) - country
ifw (n) - soap
ify (n) - harmony
ihesh (v) - fly
ihith (v) - chew
ihomu (m) - again
ihos (v) - drain
ihuch (v) - regret
ihum (v) - admit
ihun (v) - drip
ihunw (n) - metal
ihw (n) - oil
ihy (n) - iron
ikahw (n) - place
ikahy (n) - spring
ike (m) - only
ikin (v) - fill
ikit (v) - like
iko (n) - neck
ikw (n) - match
iky (n) - silver
ilamo (n) - leg
ile (m) - poor
iliro (n) - star
ilo (n) - view
iloche (m) - while
ilufy (n) - rhythm
ilush (v) - bear
ilw (n) - rod
ily (n) - record
ilyl (v) - reflect
ilyry (n) - mass
imife (m) - short
imil (v) - burn
imo (n) - blood
imoh (v) - rub
imus (v) - deceive
imw (n) - woman
imy (n) - grass
inap (v) - interrupt
inasy (n) - parcel
inech (v) - tear
ineth (v) - scratch
iniko (n) - rate
init (v) - pinch
ino (n) - balance
inothy (n) - knee
inw (n) - drawer
iny (n) - error
inyre (m) - fat
ipah (v) - promote
ipary (n) - house
ipe (m) - dark
ipek (v) - interfere
ipit (v) - challenge
ipo (n) - sort
ipoth (v) - learn
ipulo (n) - company
ipw (n) - relation
ipy (n) - sand
iraf (v) - try
ire (m) - bright
irichy (n) - steam
iro (n) - daughter
irocho (n) - street
iry (n) - day
iryto (n) - nose
isal (v) - sow
isatsw (n) - impulse
ishifw (n) - disease
ishify (n) - blade
ishish (v) - refer
ishithe (m) - same
ishor (v) - budget
ishoshw (n) - mine
ishotsw (n) - whistle
ishush (v) - share
ishw (n) - hat
ishytsy (n) - clock
isoch (v) - take
isupo (n) - cup
isw (n) - watch
isy (n) - knot
isyp (v) - improve
isyth (v) - kiss
itare (color) - green
itase (m) - enough
ite (m) - thick
iterw (n) - range
ithe (m) - opposite
ithep (v) - talk
ithere (m) - quite
ithishy (n) - shade
itho (n) - sea
ithote (m) - tight
ithuf (v) - spill
ithw (n) - business
ithy (n) - hour
ithyh (v) - wait
itino (n) - slope
ito (n) - quality
itothe (m) - regular
itse (num) - zero
itsir (v) - advise
itsish (v) - succeed
itsitsy (n) - wax
itso (n) - face
itsom (v) - bake
itsw (n) - foot
itsy (n) - tax
itusy (n) - stone
itutho (n) - cat
kaf (v) - send
kahe (m) - delicate
kahys (v) - sell
kakych (v) - play
kary (n) - angle
kasyn (v) - count
kathaf (v) - belong
kathih (v) - laugh
katsw (n) - future
katsysh (v) - plug
katu (m) - open
kecho (n) - cord
keham (v) - drink
kenyn (v) - care
keth (v) - bow
ketha (tense) - (Continuous aspect marker)
kich (v) - fight
kichik (v) - snow
kichuh (v) - wake
kikyh (v) - speak
kinir (v) - twist
kirot (v) - occur
kis (v) - cheer
kishy (n) - stamp
kocho (n) - skirt
kof (v) - lift
koh (v) - endure
kol (v) - stamp
kom (v) - pass
kore (m) - awake
korw (n) - memory
kote (m) - quiet
kuf (v) - seek
kukath (v) - dare
kuny (n) - table
kupuh (v) - bless
kur (v) - suck
kurom (v) - bruise
kych (v) - plan
kyk (v) - cheat
kyky (n) - porter
kyl (v) - thrust
kynw (n) - distance
kyr (v) - earn
kyte (m) - like
kythe (m) - happy
lale (m) - general
lam (v) - detail
late (m) - loud
lecho (n) - band
lemuh (v) - wander
lemw (n) - root
lep (v) - change
lepith (v) - crush
lery (n) - mouth
lesh (v) - offend
leshe (m) - low
leshy (n) - number
let (v) - navigate
leth (v) - clip
letsy (m) - small
lich (v) - vanish
life (m) - near
lith (v) - stand
lito (n) - father
litse (m) - here
lof (v) - squeeze
lofo (n) - chance
lok (v) - come
loket (v) - lose
loko (n) - book
lom (v) - remember
lomin (v) - match
lomw (n) - basket
lonw (n) - detail
lopof (v) - buy
lopy (n) - horn
losh (v) - ignore
lot (v) - open
lothw (n) - substance
lotse (m) - normal
luchos (v) - sigh
luchym (v) - plant
luhyp (v) - shake
lule (m) - warm
lus (v) - spark
lutsut (v) - pour
lutsy (n) - coat
lwme (color) - red
lychw (n) - song
lyhif (v) - stick
lyhy (n) - hair
lyly (n) - time
lyn (v) - connect
lyshw (n) - skin
lyso (n) - law
lyt (v) - praise
lytysh (v) - blow
mach (v) - invite
maf (v) - assist
mafah (v) - wrestle
mal (v) - feed
map (v) - destroy
mapan (v) - perform
mase (m) - secret
mash (v) - hide
masw (n) - instrument
mat (v) - shed
math (v) - jump
matsych (v) - sink
meche (m) - TRUE
mef (v) - deliver
mefy (n) - letter
mek (v) - lie
meko (n) - building
melip (v) - marry
mene (m) - fixed
mepop (v) - put
mepw (n) - insect
mer (v) - rot
methith (v) - melt
methw (n) - boat
metsy (n) - wing
mih (v) - refuse
mihar (v) - spit
miky (n) - verse
mil (v) - think
min (v) - ensure
mire (color) - black
misho (n) - morning
mithy (n) - example
mosith (v) - skip
moth (v) - obey
motin (v) - gather
motsyn (v) - explode
much (v) - smash
mucho (n) - start
muke (m) - cruel
mupy (n) - line
mush (v) - meet
muth (v) - weave
mutum (v) - lead
myf (v) - announce
myfis (v) - throw
myluth (v) - retrieve
mypo (n) - side
myr (v) - live
mysich (v) - steal
myte (m) - very
mythy (n) - meal
nafon (v) - prick
nak (v) - prefer
nal (v) - explain
nalge (color) - gray
namim (v) - enjoy
nashal (v) - memorize
nashim (v) - reject
nathw (n) - garden
natok (v) - heal
natse (m) - violent
ne (num) - five
nech (v) - encourage
nechy (n) - event
nepw (n) - hammer
neso (n) - tree
nim (v) - puncture
nipys (v) - shrug
nish (v) - spring
no (pron) - 1st person
nokuth (v) - reinforce
nolo (n) - chest
nomyh (v) - save
nonur (v) - slap
nonw (n) - wall
nop (preposition) - (nominative case marker)
nosh (v) - smile
noso (n) - pig
nososh (v) - long
nothw (n) - word
notsash (v) - yell
notso (n) - news
notson (v) - attempt
nufech (v) - roll
nulw (n) - purpose
nume (m) - equal
nuse (m) - complex
nush (v) - make
nw (pron) - 3rd person universal
nyl (v) - knit
nylun (v) - test
nymy (n) - wire
nyny (m) - there
nypw (n) - dust
nysho (n) - weight
ochacho (n) - stitch
ochal (v) - sew
oche (m) - much
ocheso (n) - egg
ochw (n) - ray
ochy (n) - machine
ofe (m) - serious
ofech (v) - scare
ofihe (m) - west
ofim (v) - damage
ofisw (n) - fork
ofo (n) - size
ofos (v) - give
ofum (v) - haunt
ofy (n) - debt
oh (preposition) - at
ohafw (n) - roof
ohe (m) - stiff
oho (n) - how
ohuke (m) - parallel
ohw (n) - direction
ohy (n) - committee
ohyk (v) - last
ohyl (v) - propose
ohymw (n) - week
ohyshy (n) - cause
oke (m) - living
oken (v) - swing
okep (v) - choose
okihw (n) - boy
oko (n) - man
okut (v) - lick
okw (n) - screw
oky (m) - automatic
olash (v) - slide
ole (m) - full
olinw (n) - head
olith (v) - pretend
olo (n) - hand
olw (n) - stage
oly (n) - fowl
omafe (m) - angry
omat (v) - annoy
omep (v) - collect
omis (v) - jail
omo (n) - paper
omufw (n) - night
omw (n) - journey
omy (n) - drain
oneth (v) - cause
ono (n) - hospital
onuf (v) - increase
onutso (n) - plate
onyn (v) - profess
opan (v) - trick
opap (v) - promise
ope (m) - cut
opo (n) - scale
opw (n) - past
opy (n) - board
ore (num) - eight
ores (v) - pause
orish (v) - dry
orishw (n) - bite
oro (n) - rule
oruf (v) - desert
orw (n) - history
ory (n) - town
oryk (v) - continue
orytsw (n) - opinion
osachw (n) - sock
osan (v) - reach
ose (m) - elastic
oseh (v) - clap
osek (v) - peel
osethy (n) - thread
osh (preposition) - to
oshik (v) - inspire
osho (n) - bath
oshote (m) - sweet
oshw (n) - prose
oshy (n) - island
osip (v) - bet
oso (n) - friend
osol (v) - amuse
oswl (v) - wind
osy (n) - fact
otachw (n) - smell
otehy (n) - wine
oten (v) - unlock
othar (v) - pray
otharw (n) - card
othe (m) - natural
othesh (v) - cast
othoho (n) - picture
othoshe (m) - this
othun (v) - point
othy (n) - baby
othyh (v) - bite
oto (n) - brother
otohy (n) - whip
otsalw (n) - self
otsek (v) - guard
otsik (v) - cry
otsis (v) - disarm
otsitho (n) - pocket
otso (n) - seed
otsof (v) - please
otsome (m) - dead
otsor (v) - suggest
otsy (m) - sticky
otsyk (v) - wink
otushy (n) - when
oty (m) - south
pa (tense) - (Habitual aspect marker)
pach (v) - turn
paky (n) - minute
pamy (n) - mark
paset (v) - understand
pash (v) - strengthen
pashysh (v) - cover
pate (m) - chemical
pe (num) - six
pefo (n) - heart
pele (m) - narrow
pen (v) - hunt
pes (v) - owe
pethat (v) - meddle
pifom (v) - receive
pihash (v) - settle
pimy (n) - group
pip (v) - mine
pirof (v) - decide
pishw (n) - government
pok (v) - join
pom (sense) - smell
popw (n) - oven
poshy (m) - hanging
puch (v) - help
puk (v) - blink
pukech (v) - practice
pukoh (v) - sniff
pun (v) - expand
punosh (v) - visit
pupe (m) - east
pupw (n) - brake
pury (n) - prison
put (v) - recommend
putat (v) - suspect
pyfuch (v) - prove
pyky (n) - station
pylir (v) - withdraw
pymash (v) - hum
pyn (v) - blush
pypir (v) - reduce
pyrof (v) - influence
pys (v) - stay
pytit (v) - wave
pytsw (n) - position
ra (tense) - (Inceptive aspect marker)
rach (v) - approve
raf (v) - sting
ralu (tense) - (conditional mode marker)
ram (v) - sweep
ramo (n) - person
rar (v) - lighten
rash (v) - agree
rasho (n) - nail
rashw (n) - shelf
ratif (v) - arrest
ratse (m) - together
refw (n) - tray
refyp (v) - bleed
rel (v) - float
remah (v) - investigate
remis (v) - anticipate
rene (m) - early
rero (n) - wood
reshw (n) - cloth
reth (v) - drown
rethw (n) - stem
rich (v) - withhold
rify (n) - meat
rih (v) - break
rimyt (v) - identify
rip (v) - intend
ris (emit a scent) - smell
rithol (v) - possess
rofe (m) - smooth
rofo (n) - flame
rokw (n) - existence
roly (n) - why
ronih (v) - run
ropis (v) - moor
rore (m) - possible
ros (v) - stain
rot (v) - keep
rufo (n) - leaf
rupal (v) - fasten
ruse (m) - quick
rush (v) - mix
rw (pron) - 3rd person animate
ry (pron) - 3rd person inanimate
rychol (v) - groan
rychyf (v) - grow
ryf (v) - watch
ryky (m) - FALSE
ryler (v) - walk
rym (v) - bathe
ryr (v) - grow
ryty (n) - fiction
sache (m) - wrong
sal (v) - rule
sam (v) - win
samam (v) - precede
sanyf (v) - begin
sasich (v) - subtract
sech (v) - spend
sechyr (v) - kick
sefah (v) - escape
sekuh (v) - carry
sene (m) - even
senw (n) - where
serum (v) - warn
setse (m) - wise
setsy (n) - lid
shaf (v) - push
shamo (n) - key
shan (v) - sleep
shapul (v) - breed
shasho (n) - air
shashw (n) - step
shathuf (v) - find
she (num) - seven
she (tense) - (past tense marker)
shechis (v) - expect
shehy (n) - wound
shel (v) - creep
sheme (m) - old
sheno (n) - smile
sheshw (n) - growth
shet (v) - kneel
shetsw (n) - color
shichich (v) - purchase
shif (v) - teach
shiky (n) - nut
shilw (n) - canvas
shipy (n) - shoe
shisy (n) - glove
shith (v) - flee
shithil (v) - interpret
shitso (n) - arch
shofef (v) - want
shohe (m) - material
shokir (v) - irritate
shomw (n) - bit
shop (v) - compete
shoras (v) - tease
shosaf (v) - punch
shosus (v) - sense
shotsy (n) - son
shuche (m) - cheap
shucho (n) - eye
shufyth (v) - prevent
shuhesh (v) - get
shukuch (v) - strip
shul (v) - murder
shule (m) - evil
shum (v) - slay
shupo (n) - level
shury (n) - body
shush (v) - trade
shut (v) - rely
shw (pron) - 2nd person
shyfw (n) - carriage
shyfym (v) - claim
shyhush (v) - stretch
shylo (n) - feather
shypy (n) - cotton
shyre (m) - cold
shysh (v) - sneeze
shysy (n) - grain
shythith (v) - serve
sik (v) - burst
silw (n) - back
sipal (v) - crack
siry (n) - bulb
sit (v) - use
sitar (v) - lock
sithech (v) - dress
sithil (v) - bounce
soh (v) - shut
sohy (n) - wind
soko (n) - road
sokos (v) - compare
sol (v) - allow
sopys (v) - cost
sorw (n) - arm
sosho (n) - current
soshuk (v) - tell
sothih (v) - protect
sothy (n) - bed
sufep (v) - seem
sufo (n) - jewel
suh (v) - complain
sul (v) - dig
sum (v) - know
sun (v) - forgive
suryl (v) - provide
suryth (v) - remain
sus (v) - entertain
sutho (n) - pain
sycho (n) - monkey
syf (v) - replace
syho (n) - music
syhw (n) - mother
sykw (n) - gun
syl (v) - breathe
sym (v) - plead
syme (m) - because
syno (n) - ticket
sypep (v) - dance
syr (v) - confront
syro (n) - hook
sysech (v) - consist
syshw (n) - acid
sythe (m) - deep
tacheh (v) - impress
taf (v) - undress
tafush (v) - release
tak (v) - brush
talu (m) - or
tapam (v) - cough
tapis (v) - mourn
tatun (v) - divide
te (tense) - (indicative mode marker)
teky (n) - plant
ten (v) - go
tenoch (v) - add
tepo (n) - paint
tere (m) - if
tethol (v) - detect
tetsy (n) - beverage
tetsyp (v) - sip
tichy (n) - art
tifat (v) - pull
tifoth (v) - describe
tiky (n) - bell
tino (n) - snow
tipy (n) - representative
tirut (v) - bump
tisal (v) - improvise
tishe (m) - dirty
toh (v) - tame
tokyk (v) - lend
tolw (n) - hole
tonup (v) - trust
top (v) - beat
totir (v) - preserve
totuch (v) - relax
totyh (v) - recruit
tsach (v) - freeze
tsaf (v) - catch
tsam (v) - report
tsaso (n) - account
tsat (v) - ride
tsathe (m) - different
tsathit (v) - follow
tsatsw (n) - copper
tsechir (v) - doubt
tsechy (n) - cushion
tseh (v) - swear
tseho (n) - store
tsek (v) - avoid
tsele (m) - still
tsemy (n) - month
tsepw (n) - brain
tsero (n) - floor
tsesam (v) - glow
tsesut (v) - return
tsesw (n) - tendency
tsethe (m) - rough
tsif (preposition) - (accusative case marker)
tsih (v) - shrink
tsil (preposition) - with
tsipush (v) - love
tsipw (n) - brick
tsir (v) - whip
tsiro (n) - coal
tsochir (v) - surround
tsochw (n) - motion
tsochy (n) - knife
tsof (v) - sprout
tsoh (v) - borrow
tsokw (n) - manager
tsoky (n) - linen
tsolun (v) - thrive
tson (v) - miss
tsop (v) - forbid
tsoshe (m) - long
tsotsan (v) - decay
tsu (preposition) - to
tsuk (v) - stir
tsupo (n) - sex
tsur (v) - greet
tsusho (n) - ear
tsushw (n) - part
tsyko (n) - throat
tsykyk (v) - frighten
tsypw (n) - ship
tsysh (v) - hurt
tsyshet (v) - dream
tsyshin (v) - coil
tsyship (v) - scatter
tuch (v) - depend
tufe (m) - thin
tufyh (v) - welcome
tuk (v) - nod
tuky (n) - world
tul (v) - whistle
tuthw (n) - cow
tutse (m) - now
tutsw (n) - credit
tw (pron) - 3rd person indefinite
tyche (m) - strange
tyf (v) - stink
tyhon (v) - fade
tyhym (v) - lay
tykw (n) - net
tynoh (v) - see
tynym (v) - confuse
typ (v) - leap
typw (n) - food
tyr (v) - predict
tys (v) - draw
tyse (m) - clean
uche (m) - sudden
uchesh (v) - weigh
uchithy (n) - umbrella
uchocho (n) - join
uchomw (n) - thumb
uchoth (v) - recognize
uchw (n) - door
uchy (m) - physical
uchyno (n) - cart
ufe (m) - sharp
ufere (m) - good
ufike (m) - fertile
ufip (v) - own
ufo (n) - glass
ufony (n) - bone
ufotse (m) - no
ufukw (n) - square
ufush (v) - load
ufutse (m) - necessary
ufw (n) - land
ufy (n) - frame
ufyl (v) - juggle
ufymy (n) - ant
ufysho (n) - fly
uhal (v) - show
uhip (v) - feel
uhosh (v) - comb
uhuf (v) - confess
uhul (v) - prepare
uhw (n) - voice
uhy (n) - base
uhyn (v) - withstand
uhyp (v) - crawl
ukach (v) - hope
ukas (v) - trip
uke (m) - strong
ukeko (n) - pin
ukisw (n) - church
uko (n) - who
ukonw (n) - chain
ukor (v) - drag
ukoro (n) - story
ukuf (v) - clean
ukup (v) - shape
ukuty (n) - amount
ukw (n) - girl
ulaf (v) - be
ulamw (n) - spoon
ulany (n) - sponge
ule (m) - young
ulirw (n) - death
ulo (n) - earth
uluchw (n) - thing
ulw (n) - animal
uly (n) - rice
ulyn (v) - wear
umen (v) - fear
umeno (n) - curve
umo (n) - insurance
umop (v) - correct
umot (v) - bring
umothw (n) - orange
umw (n) - edge
umy (n) - bag
unen (v) - hold
uneshe (m) - shut
unisho (n) - stick
unohw (n) - education
unot (preposition) - (genitive case marker)
unw (n) - room
unwre (color) - blue
uny (n) - form
upaf (v) - project
upam (v) - grind
upe (m) - able
upos (v) - touch
upw (n) - plane
upy (n) - engine
upype (m) - ready
upysh (v) - tie
uramy (n) - curtain
urapo (n) - bottle
ure (m) - high
uresw (n) - unit
urip (v) - hit
uro (n) - flower
urofo (n) - jelly
uroly (n) - bucket
uror (v) - write
urw (n) - rail
ury (m) - male
urynw (n) - nerve
usatho (n) - bread
use (m) - bad
ushe (m) - soft
usheky (n) - reward
ushin (v) - wipe
usho (n) - bee
ushon (v) - untie
ushw (n) - branch
ushy (n) - science
uso (n) - silk
usoh (v) - force
usop (v) - fit
usy (n) - ring
usyr (v) - assure
ute (m) - great
uter (v) - rejoice
utety (n) - army
uthath (v) - cling
uthe (m) - simple
uther (v) - answer
uthes (v) - paint
uthesh (v) - overthrow
uthil (v) - leave
utho (n) - sign
uthos (v) - taste
uthw (n) - property
uthy (n) - shirt
uthyp (v) - knot
uthyth (v) - object
uto (n) - nation
utof (v) - perceive
utsase (m) - hollow
utse (m) - political
utseke (m) - any
utso (n) - trousers
utsos (v) - shave
utsosh (v) - trap
utsumo (n) - winter
utsw (n) - owner
utsy (n) - lead
utuk (v) - remove
ututsw (n) - weather
utw (n) - top
wme (num) - four

English to Shen Glossary

(Continuous aspect marker) (tense) - ketha
(Habitual aspect marker) (tense) - pa
(Imperative mode marker) (tense) - ena
(Inceptive aspect marker) (tense) - ra
(Interrogative mode marker) (tense) - ho
(Prohibitive mode marker) (tense) - esa
(accusative case marker) (preposition) - tsif
(conditional mode marker) (tense) - ralu
(future tense marker) (tense) - an
(genitive case marker) (preposition) - unot
(indicative mode marker) (tense) - te
(nominative case marker) (preposition) - nop
(optative mode marker) (tense) - en
(past tense marker) (tense) - she
(present tense marker) (tense) - esyt
1st person (pron) - no
2nd person (pron) - shw
3rd person animate (pron) - rw
3rd person inanimate (pron) - ry
3rd person indefinite (pron) - tw
3rd person universal (pron) - nw
FALSE (m) - ryky
TRUE (m) - meche
able (m) - upe
account (n) - tsaso
acid (n) - syshw
act (n) - atsy
add (v) - tenoch
admire (v) - feth
admit (v) - ihum
advise (v) - itsir
again (m) - ihomu
agree (v) - rash
air (n) - shasho
all (m) - erare
allow (v) - sol
almost (m) - ehuse
amount (n) - ukuty
amuse (v) - osol
and (m) - fale
angle (n) - kary
angry (m) - omafe
animal (n) - ulw
announce (v) - myf
annoy (v) - omat
answer (v) - uther
ant (n) - ufymy
anticipate (v) - remis
any (m) - utseke
apologize (v) - anuf
apparatus (n) - etsw
apple (n) - hiro
approve (v) - rach
arch (n) - shitso
argue (v) - huth
arm (n) - sorw
army (n) - utety
arrange (v) - atoth
arrest (v) - ratif
arrive (v) - huloth
art (n) - tichy
ask (v) - hothuk
assist (v) - maf
assure (v) - usyr
at (preposition) - oh
attack (v) - esosh
attempt (v) - notson
attract (v) - hop
authority (n) - apy
automatic (m) - oky
avoid (v) - tsek
awake (m) - kore
baby (n) - othy
back (n) - silw
bad (m) - use
bag (n) - umy
bake (v) - itsom
balance (n) - ino
ball (n) - fohw
ban (v) - hyp
band (n) - lecho
base (n) - uhy
basin (n) - esho
basket (n) - lomw
bath (n) - osho
bathe (v) - rym
battle (v) - fyhyl
be (v) - ulaf
bear (v) - ilush
beat (v) - top
beautiful (m) - etsuke
because (m) - syme
become (v) - athem
bed (n) - sothy
bee (n) - usho
beg (v) - fetsys
begin (v) - sanyf
behave (v) - eres
bell (n) - tiky
belong (v) - kathaf
bend (v) - ethir
bent (m) - hine
berry (n) - fathw
bet (v) - osip
beverage (n) - tetsy
bind (v) - echop
bird (n) - ichitso
bit (n) - shomw
bite (n) - orishw
bite (v) - othyh
bitter (m) - nuse
black (color) - mire
blade (n) - ishify
bleed (v) - refyp
bless (v) - kupuh
blink (v) - puk
blood (n) - imo
blow (v) - lytysh
blue (color) - unwre
blush (v) - pyn
board (n) - opy
boast (v) - enyl
boat (n) - methw
body (n) - shury
boil (v) - fokif
bone (n) - ufony
book (n) - loko
boot (n) - ashw
bore (v) - atik
borrow (v) - tsoh
bottle (n) - urapo
bounce (v) - sithil
bow (v) - keth
box (n) - aty
boy (n) - okihw
brain (n) - tsepw
brake (n) - pupw
branch (n) - ushw
brass (n) - ifahw
bread (n) - usatho
break (v) - rih
breathe (v) - syl
breed (v) - shapul
brick (n) - tsipw
bridge (n) - eshesw
bright (m) - ire
bring (v) - umot
broken (m) - ele
brother (n) - oto
brown (color) - echale
bruise (v) - kurom
brush (n) - echyhy
brush (v) - tak
bucket (n) - uroly
budget (v) - ishor
building (n) - meko
bulb (n) - siry
bump (v) - tirut
burn (v) - imil
burst (v) - sik
bury (v) - elal
business (n) - ithw
but (m) - asume
butter (n) - asutso
button (n) - aly
buy (v) - lopof
cake (n) - enenw
call (v) - ichach
camera (n) - huko
canvas (n) - shilw
card (n) - otharw
care (v) - kenyn
carriage (n) - shyfw
carry (v) - sekuh
cart (n) - uchyno
carve (v) - etath
cast (v) - othesh
cat (n) - itutho
catch (v) - tsaf
cause (n) - ohyshy
cause (v) - oneth
certain (m) - fohy
chain (n) - ukonw
chalk (n) - anyro
challenge (v) - ipit
chance (n) - lofo
change (v) - lep
chase (v) - fen
cheap (m) - shuche
cheat (v) - kyk
cheer (v) - kis
cheese (n) - ato
chemical (m) - pate
chest (n) - nolo
chew (v) - ihith
chin (n) - athw
choke (v) - alek
choose (v) - okep
chop (v) - amur
church (n) - ukisw
circle (n) - hocho
claim (v) - shyfym
clap (v) - oseh
clarify (v) - farup
clean (m) - tyse
clean (v) - ukuf
clear (m) - alune
cling (v) - uthath
clip (v) - leth
clock (n) - ishytsy
close (v) - fup
cloth (n) - reshw
clothe (v) - fytuth
cloud (n) - hupw
coal (n) - tsiro
coat (n) - lutsy
coil (v) - tsyshin
cold (m) - shyre
collar (n) - ety
collect (v) - omep
color (n) - shetsw
comb (n) - hamw
comb (v) - uhosh
come (v) - lok
command (v) - hen
committee (n) - ohy
common (m) - ane
company (n) - ipulo
compare (v) - sokos
compete (v) - shop
complain (v) - suh
complete (m) - echyle
complete (v) - hash
complex (m) - nuse
condition (n) - humy
confess (v) - uhuf
confront (v) - syr
confuse (v) - tynym
connect (v) - lyn
connection (n) - emo
conserve (v) - enim
consist (v) - sysech
consult (v) - fyt
continue (v) - oryk
control (v) - enot
copper (n) - tsatsw
copy (v) - ichuf
cord (n) - kecho
cork (n) - eny
correct (v) - umop
cost (v) - sopys
cotton (n) - shypy
cough (v) - tapam
count (v) - kasyn
country (n) - ifo
cover (v) - pashysh
cow (n) - tuthw
crack (n) - apehw
crack (v) - sipal
crawl (v) - uhyp
create (v) - fel
credit (n) - tutsw
creep (v) - shel
crime (n) - anuko
cross (v) - hil
cruel (m) - muke
crush (v) - lepith
cry (v) - otsik
cup (n) - isupo
cure (v) - ehyn
current (n) - sosho
curtain (n) - uramy
curve (n) - umeno
cushion (n) - tsechy
cut (m) - ope
cut (v) - firach
dam (v) - funyf
damage (v) - ofim
dance (v) - sypep
danger (n) - farw
dare (v) - kukath
dark (m) - ipe
daughter (n) - iro
day (n) - iry
dead (m) - otsome
dear (m) - akasu
death (n) - ulirw
debt (n) - ofy
decay (v) - tsotsan
deceive (v) - imus
decide (v) - pirof
deep (m) - sythe
degree (n) - emitsy
delay (v) - arer
delicate (m) - kahe
deliver (v) - mef
depend (v) - tuch
describe (v) - tifoth
desert (v) - oruf
deserve (v) - esun
destroy (v) - map
detail (n) - lonw
detail (v) - lam
detect (v) - tethol
different (m) - tsathe
dig (v) - sul
direction (n) - ohw
dirty (m) - tishe
disappear (v) - ekeh
disarm (v) - otsis
discover (v) - emuf
disease (n) - ishifw
distance (n) - kynw
dive (v) - fil
divide (v) - tatun
do (v) - ehyk
dog (n) - fyty
door (n) - uchw
doubt (v) - tsechir
drag (v) - ukor
drain (n) - omy
drain (v) - ihos
draw (v) - tys
drawer (n) - inw
dream (v) - tsyshet
dress (n) - afw
dress (v) - sithech
drink (v) - keham
drip (v) - ihun
drive (v) - ashup
drop (n) - eno
drop (v) - fisush
drown (v) - reth
dry (m) - ahe
dry (v) - orish
dust (n) - nypw
dwell (v) - arim
ear (n) - tsusho
early (m) - rene
earn (v) - kyr
earth (n) - ulo
east (m) - pupe
eat (v) - foth
edge (n) - umw
education (n) - unohw
egg (n) - ocheso
eight (num) - ore
elastic (m) - ose
electric (m) - echure
empty (v) - fitsan
encourage (v) - nech
end (n) - hetho
endure (v) - koh
enforce (v) - hesh
engine (n) - upy
enjoy (v) - namim
enough (m) - itase
ensure (v) - min
enter (v) - farur
entertain (v) - sus
equal (m) - nume
error (n) - iny
escape (v) - sefah
even (m) - sene
event (n) - nechy
ever (m) - eke
every (m) - iche
evil (m) - shule
example (n) - mithy
execute (v) - athah
existence (n) - rokw
expand (v) - pun
expect (v) - shechis
expert (n) - hochw
explain (v) - nal
explode (v) - motsyn
eye (n) - shucho
face (n) - itso
face (v) - fimys
fact (n) - osy
fade (v) - tyhon
fail (v) - ethyk
family (n) - apo
far (m) - apychu
farm (n) - emy
fasten (v) - rupal
fat (m) - inyre
father (n) - lito
fear (v) - umen
feather (n) - shylo
feeble (m) - fose
feed (v) - mal
feel (v) - uhip
female (m) - asile
fertile (m) - ufike
fiction (n) - ryty
field (n) - esw
fight (v) - kich
fill (v) - ikin
find (v) - shathuf
finger (n) - asitw
fire (n) - akw
fish (n) - famw
fit (v) - usop
five (num) - ne
fix (v) - atsol
fixed (m) - mene
flag (n) - fyno
flame (n) - rofo
flat (m) - eme
flee (v) - shith
float (v) - rel
floor (n) - tsero
flow (v) - fah
flower (n) - uro
fly (n) - ufysho
fly (v) - ihesh
fold (v) - asyk
follow (v) - tsathit
food (n) - typw
foolish (m) - eche
foot (n) - itsw
forbid (v) - tsop
force (v) - usoh
forget (v) - esul
forgive (v) - sun
fork (n) - ofisw
form (n) - uny
form (v) - eshih
forsake (v) - foh
forward (m) - ahyfe
four (num) - wme
fowl (n) - oly
frame (n) - ufy
free (m) - atse
freeze (v) - tsach
frequent (m) - ese
friend (n) - oso
frighten (v) - tsykyk
from (preposition) - elach
front (n) - achw
fruit (n) - eshw
fry (v) - fom
full (m) - ole
future (n) - katsw
garden (n) - nathw
gather (v) - motin
general (m) - lale
get (v) - shuhesh
girl (n) - ukw
give (v) - ofos
glass (n) - ufo
glove (n) - shisy
glow (v) - tsesam
go (v) - ten
goat (n) - atuchy
gold (n) - eky
good (m) - ufere
government (n) - pishw
grain (n) - shysy
grass (n) - imy
gray (color) - nalge
great (m) - ute
green (color) - itare
greet (v) - tsur
grind (v) - upam
groan (v) - rychol
group (n) - pimy
grow (v) - ryr
growth (n) - sheshw
guard (v) - otsek
guess (v) - epym
gun (n) - sykw
hair (n) - lyhy
hammer (n) - nepw
hand (n) - olo
hang (v) - ahel
hanging (m) - poshy
happy (m) - kythe
harbor (n) - fashy
hard (m) - achyru
harmony (n) - ify
hat (n) - ishw
hate (v) - fusus
haunt (v) - ofum
head (n) - olinw
heal (v) - natok
healthy (m) - anishe
hear (v) - fyh
heart (n) - pefo
heat (n) - afymy
heat (v) - epeth
help (v) - puch
here (m) - litse
hide (v) - mash
high (m) - ure
history (n) - orw
hit (v) - urip
hold (v) - unen
hole (n) - tolw
hollow (m) - utsase
hook (n) - syro
hop (v) - hor
hope (v) - ukach
horn (n) - lopy
horse (n) - ehw
hospital (n) - ono
hour (n) - ithy
house (n) - ipary
how (n) - oho
hug (v) - anym
hum (v) - pymash
humor (n) - aro
hunt (v) - pen
hurry (v) - athosh
hurt (v) - tsysh
ice (n) - ehothw
idea (n) - atselo
identify (v) - rimyt
if (m) - tere
ignore (v) - losh
ill (m) - ite
imagine (v) - epar
important (m) - echuru
impress (v) - tacheh
improve (v) - isyp
improvise (v) - tisal
impulse (n) - isatsw
include (v) - ekor
increase (v) - onuf
induce (v) - eshun
industry (n) - enipw
influence (v) - pyrof
ink (n) - atho
insect (n) - mepw
inspire (v) - oshik
instrument (n) - masw
insurance (n) - umo
intend (v) - rip
interfere (v) - ipek
interpret (v) - shithil
interrupt (v) - inap
invent (v) - esal
investigate (v) - remah
invite (v) - mach
iron (n) - ihy
irritate (v) - shokir
island (n) - oshy
itch (v) - hur
jail (v) - omis
jelly (n) - urofo
jewel (n) - sufo
join (n) - uchocho
join (v) - pok
joke (v) - emok
journey (n) - omw
judge (v) - ekol
juggle (v) - ufyl
jump (v) - math
justify (v) - amip
keep (v) - rot
kettle (n) - atesw
key (n) - shamo
kick (v) - sechyr
kill (v) - her
kind (m) - apine
kiss (v) - isyth
knee (n) - inothy
kneel (v) - shet
knife (n) - tsochy
knit (v) - nyl
knock (v) - fer
knot (n) - isy
knot (v) - uthyp
know (v) - sum
land (n) - ufw
language (n) - foty
last (m) - efe
last (v) - ohyk
late (m) - ake
laugh (v) - kathih
law (n) - lyso
lay (v) - tyhym
lead (n) - utsy
lead (v) - mutum
leaf (n) - rufo
lean (v) - hin
leap (v) - typ
learn (v) - ipoth
leather (n) - amy
leave (v) - uthil
left (m) - fuke
leg (n) - ilamo
lend (v) - tokyk
letter (n) - mefy
level (n) - shupo
library (n) - amo
lick (v) - okut
lid (n) - setsy
lie (v) - mek
lift (v) - kof
light (n) - hyty
light (v) - fish
lighten (v) - rar
like (m) - kyte
like (v) - ikit
limit (n) - ichw
line (n) - mupy
linen (n) - tsoky
lip (n) - alepw
liquid (n) - ahw
list (n) - fafo
listen (v) - erir
little (m) - epe
live (v) - myr
living (m) - oke
load (v) - ufush
locate (v) - atsech
lock (n) - elw
lock (v) - sitar
log (v) - atsis
long (m) - tsoshe
long (v) - nososh
look (v) - fasuth
loose (m) - fyke
lose (v) - loket
loud (m) - late
love (v) - tsipush
low (m) - leshe
machine (n) - ochy
make (v) - nush
male (m) - ury
man (n) - oko
manager (n) - tsokw
map (n) - fotsw
march (v) - hosh
mark (n) - pamy
mark (v) - atih
market (n) - atso
marriage (n) - hutso
marry (v) - melip
mass (n) - ilyry
match (n) - ikw
match (v) - lomin
material (m) - shohe
meal (n) - mythy
measure (v) - femyp
meat (n) - rify
meddle (v) - pethat
medical (m) - amine
meet (v) - mush
melt (v) - methith
memorize (v) - nashal
memory (n) - korw
metal (n) - ihunw
middle (n) - asafo
military (m) - efe
milk (n) - etitso
mind (n) - achyhy
mine (n) - ishoshw
mine (v) - pip
minute (n) - paky
miss (v) - tson
mist (n) - hepw
mix (v) - rush
mixed (m) - are
moan (v) - hal
money (n) - epamy
monkey (n) - sycho
month (n) - tsemy
moon (n) - alw
moor (v) - ropis
morning (n) - misho
mother (n) - syhw
motion (n) - tsochw
mountain (n) - epochw
mourn (v) - tapis
mouth (n) - lery
move (v) - efur
mow (v) - hinut
much (m) - oche
murder (v) - shul
muscle (n) - esy
music (n) - syho
nail (n) - rasho
name (n) - elapo
narrow (m) - pele
nation (n) - uto
natural (m) - othe
navigate (v) - let
near (m) - life
necessary (m) - ufutse
neck (n) - iko
need (v) - huchir
needle (n) - aholy
negotiate (v) - athan
nerve (n) - urynw
net (n) - tykw
new (m) - amychy
news (n) - notso
night (n) - omufw
no (m) - ufotse
nod (v) - tuk
noise (n) - aticho
normal (m) - lotse
north (m) - ameche
nose (n) - iryto
not (m) - ahihe
note (n) - etsutso
now (m) - tutse
number (n) - leshy
nut (n) - shiky
obey (v) - moth
object (v) - uthyth
occur (v) - kirot
offend (v) - lesh
offer (v) - hypyn
office (n) - arehw
oil (n) - ihw
old (m) - sheme
one (num) - he
only (m) - ike
open (m) - katu
open (v) - lot
opinion (n) - orytsw
opposite (m) - ithe
or (m) - talu
orange (color) - felne
orange (n) - umothw
organization (n) - fychw
ornament (n) - ero
other (m) - fore
out (m) - ery
oven (n) - popw
overthrow (v) - uthesh
owe (v) - pes
own (v) - ufip
owner (n) - utsw
page (n) - echw
pain (n) - sutho
paint (n) - tepo
paint (v) - uthes
paper (n) - omo
parallel (m) - ohuke
parcel (n) - inasy
part (n) - tsushw
pass (v) - kom
past (n) - opw
paste (n) - futsy
pause (v) - ores
pay (v) - achak
payment (n) - asy
peace (n) - efw
peel (v) - osek
pen (n) - any
pencil (n) - eto
perceive (v) - utof
perform (v) - mapan
person (n) - ramo
persuade (v) - erich
physical (m) - uchy
picture (n) - othoho
pig (n) - noso
pin (n) - ukeko
pinch (v) - init
pink (color) - feke
pipe (n) - etho
place (n) - ikahw
place (v) - himet
plan (v) - kych
plane (n) - upw
plant (n) - teky
plant (v) - luchym
plate (n) - onutso
play (v) - kakych
plead (v) - sym
please (v) - otsof
pleasure (n) - ethw
plow (n) - enw
plug (v) - katsysh
pocket (n) - otsitho
point (n) - eso
point (v) - othun
poison (n) - etsy
poke (v) - akeh
polish (v) - ehal
political (m) - utse
poor (m) - ile
porter (n) - kyky
position (n) - pytsw
possess (v) - rithol
possible (m) - rore
pot (n) - alahw
potato (n) - epy
pour (v) - lutsut
powder (n) - etaho
power (n) - echoly
practice (v) - pukech
praise (v) - lyt
pray (v) - othar
preach (v) - hepup
precede (v) - samam
predict (v) - tyr
prefer (v) - nak
prepare (v) - uhul
present (n) - icho
preserve (v) - totir
pretend (v) - olith
prevent (v) - shufyth
price (n) - eho
prick (v) - nafon
prison (n) - pury
private (m) - ene
probable (m) - ethanu
profess (v) - onyn
profit (n) - alothy
project (v) - upaf
promise (v) - opap
promote (v) - ipah
property (n) - uthw
propose (v) - ohyl
prose (n) - oshw
protect (v) - sothih
prove (v) - pyfuch
provide (v) - suryl
public (m) - ache
pull (v) - tifat
pump (n) - apitw
pump (v) - alot
punch (v) - shosaf
puncture (v) - nim
punish (v) - fofip
punishment (n) - eshimo
purchase (v) - shichich
purple (color) - gade
purpose (n) - nulw
push (v) - shaf
put (v) - mepop
quality (n) - ito
quick (m) - ruse
quiet (m) - kote
quite (m) - ithere
rail (n) - urw
rain (n) - etamy
raise (v) - ethet
range (n) - iterw
rat (n) - erutsy
rate (n) - iniko
ray (n) - ochw
reach (v) - osan
read (v) - ichek
ready (m) - upype
realign (v) - hun
receipt (n) - folw
receive (v) - pifom
recognize (v) - uchoth
recommend (v) - put
record (n) - ily
recruit (v) - totyh
red (color) - lwme
reduce (v) - pypir
refer (v) - ishish
reflect (v) - ilyl
refuse (v) - mih
regret (v) - ihuch
regular (m) - itothe
reinforce (v) - nokuth
reject (v) - nashim
rejoice (v) - uter
relation (n) - ipw
relax (v) - totuch
release (v) - tafush
religion (n) - anasy
rely (v) - shut
remain (v) - suryth
remember (v) - lom
remove (v) - utuk
repeat (v) - akuh
replace (v) - syf
report (v) - tsam
representative (n) - tipy
rescue (v) - anak
responsible (m) - atsache
retrieve (v) - myluth
return (v) - tsesut
reward (n) - usheky
rhythm (n) - ilufy
rice (n) - uly
ride (v) - tsat
right (m) - echete
ring (n) - usy
rise (v) - ashum
risk (v) - faf
river (n) - atw
road (n) - soko
rod (n) - ilw
roll (v) - nufech
roof (n) - ohafw
room (n) - unw
root (n) - lemw
rot (v) - mer
rough (m) - tsethe
round (m) - elyche
rub (v) - imoh
ruin (v) - fyposh
rule (n) - oro
rule (v) - sal
run (v) - ronih
sad (m) - atotse
safe (m) - iche
sail (n) - arw
salt (n) - anw
same (m) - ishithe
sand (n) - ipy
save (v) - nomyh
say (v) - akam
scale (n) - opo
scare (v) - ofech
scatter (v) - tsyship
school (n) - ifelw
science (n) - ushy
scissors (n) - emosw
scratch (v) - ineth
scream (v) - fyk
screw (n) - okw
sea (n) - itho
seal (v) - achan
search (v) - hithys
seat (n) - eshy
secret (m) - mase
secretary (n) - achetw
see (v) - tynoh
seed (n) - otso
seek (v) - kuf
seem (v) - sufep
self (n) - otsalw
sell (v) - kahys
send (v) - kaf
sense (n) - ekw
sense (v) - shosus
separate (m) - athyne
serious (m) - ofe
servant (n) - ichytho
serve (v) - shythith
set (v) - aryth
settle (v) - pihash
seven (num) - she
sew (v) - ochal
sex (n) - tsupo
shade (n) - ithishy
shake (v) - luhyp
shame (n) - ary
shape (v) - ukup
share (v) - ishush
sharp (m) - ufe
shave (v) - utsos
shed (v) - mat
sheep (n) - asw
shelf (n) - rashw
shine (v) - aluk
ship (n) - tsypw
shirt (n) - uthy
shoe (n) - shipy
short (m) - imife
show (v) - uhal
shrink (v) - tsih
shrug (v) - nipys
shut (m) - uneshe
shut (v) - soh
side (n) - mypo
sigh (v) - luchos
sign (n) - utho
silk (n) - uso
silver (n) - iky
simple (m) - uthe
sing (v) - athyl
sink (v) - matsych
sip (v) - tetsyp
sister (n) - eshatso
sit (v) - ekuch
six (num) - pe
size (n) - ofo
skin (n) - lyshw
skip (v) - mosith
skirt (n) - kocho
sky (n) - aso
slap (v) - nonur
slay (v) - shum
sleep (v) - shan
slide (v) - olash
slope (n) - itino
slow (m) - fuse
small (m) - letsy
smash (n) - hatsy
smash (v) - much
smell (emit a scent) - ris
smell (n) - otachw
smell (sense) - pom
smile (n) - sheno
smile (v) - nosh
smoke (n) - alaly
smooth (m) - rofe
snake (n) - ethy
sneak (v) - feshun
sneeze (n) - ashosho
sneeze (v) - shysh
sniff (v) - pukoh
snore (v) - achin
snow (n) - tino
snow (v) - kichik
soap (n) - ifw
society (n) - achy
sock (n) - osachw
soft (m) - ushe
solid (m) - eshe
solve (v) - anel
some (m) - eneshe
son (n) - shotsy
song (n) - lychw
sort (n) - ipo
sort (v) - afos
sound (n) - epako
sound (v) - athih
soup (n) - ichachw
south (m) - oty
sow (v) - isal
space (n) - epw
spade (n) - emw
spare (v) - efep
spark (v) - lus
sparkle (v) - hatsan
speak (v) - kikyh
special (m) - ashahu
spend (v) - sech
spill (v) - ithuf
spin (v) - fitet
spit (v) - mihar
spoil (v) - atif
sponge (n) - ulany
spoon (n) - ulamw
spring (n) - ikahy
spring (v) - nish
sprout (v) - tsof
square (n) - ufukw
squeeze (v) - lof
stage (n) - olw
stain (v) - ros
stamp (n) - kishy
stamp (v) - kol
stand (v) - lith
star (n) - iliro
stare (v) - ashil
start (n) - mucho
statement (n) - eko
station (n) - pyky
stay (v) - pys
steal (v) - mysich
steam (n) - irichy
steel (n) - amw
stem (n) - rethw
step (n) - shashw
step (v) - hyr
stick (n) - unisho
stick (v) - lyhif
sticky (m) - otsy
stiff (m) - ohe
still (m) - tsele
sting (v) - raf
stink (v) - tyf
stir (v) - tsuk
stitch (n) - ochacho
stocking (n) - hytsy
stomach (n) - etw
stone (n) - itusy
stop (v) - emap
store (n) - tseho
story (n) - ukoro
straight (m) - emyshe
strange (m) - tyche
street (n) - irocho
strengthen (v) - pash
stretch (v) - shyhush
strip (v) - shukuch
strong (m) - uke
structure (n) - fymy
substance (n) - lothw
subtract (v) - sasich
succeed (v) - itsish
such (m) - ife
suck (v) - kur
sudden (m) - uche
suffer (v) - hul
sugar (n) - ekuhw
suggest (v) - otsor
summer (n) - ako
sun (n) - atytho
surprise (v) - hoch
surround (v) - tsochir
suspect (v) - putat
swear (v) - tseh
sweep (v) - ram
sweet (m) - oshote
swim (v) - fapon
swing (v) - oken
system (n) - eruchw
table (n) - kuny
tail (n) - athemw
take (v) - isoch
talk (v) - ithep
tall (m) - fase
tame (v) - toh
taste (v) - uthos
tax (n) - itsy
teach (v) - shif
tear (v) - inech
tease (v) - shoras
tell (v) - soshuk
tempt (v) - hethes
tendency (n) - tsesw
test (v) - nylun
thank (v) - atum
that (m) - fotse
thaw (v) - fin
then (m) - afe
theory (n) - ethitw
there (m) - nyny
thick (m) - ite
thin (m) - tufe
thing (n) - uluchw
think (v) - mil
this (m) - othoshe
though (m) - huthe
thread (n) - osethy
three (num) - ame
thrive (v) - tsolun
throat (n) - tsyko
throw (v) - myfis
thrust (v) - kyl
thumb (n) - uchomw
thunder (n) - ethehy
ticket (n) - syno
tickle (v) - ashich
tie (v) - upysh
tight (m) - ithote
time (n) - lyly
tin (n) - athy
tired (m) - ehufe
to (preposition) - tsu
toe (n) - emepo
together (m) - ratse
tomorrow (m) - ase
tongue (n) - elo
tooth (n) - etso
top (n) - utw
touch (v) - upos
town (n) - ory
trade (v) - shush
train (n) - atsopw
train (v) - achyh
trap (v) - utsosh
travel (v) - hytak
tray (n) - refw
tree (n) - neso
trick (v) - opan
trip (v) - ukas
trouble (n) - hity
trousers (n) - utso
trust (v) - tonup
try (v) - iraf
turn (v) - pach
twist (v) - kinir
two (num) - ethe
umbrella (n) - uchithy
understand (v) - paset
undress (v) - taf
unit (n) - uresw
unite (v) - fumal
unlock (v) - oten
untie (v) - ushon
use (v) - sit
value (n) - efykw
vanish (v) - lich
verse (n) - miky
very (m) - myte
vessel (n) - ano
view (n) - ilo
violent (m) - natse
visit (v) - punosh
voice (n) - uhw
wait (v) - ithyh
wake (v) - kichuh
walk (v) - ryler
wall (n) - nonw
wander (v) - lemuh
want (v) - shofef
war (n) - epo
warm (m) - lule
warn (v) - serum
wash (v) - eshuch
watch (n) - isw
watch (v) - ryf
water (n) - ehy
wave (v) - pytit
wax (n) - itsitsy
way (n) - erw
wear (v) - ulyn
weather (n) - ututsw
weave (v) - muth
week (n) - ohymw
weigh (v) - uchesh
weight (n) - nysho
welcome (v) - tufyh
well (m) - ashe
west (m) - ofihe
wet (m) - etse
wheel (n) - echykw
when (n) - otushy
where (n) - senw
while (m) - iloche
whine (v) - hok
whip (n) - otohy
whip (v) - tsir
whisper (v) - etyk
whistle (n) - ishotsw
whistle (v) - tul
white (color) - halge
who (n) - uko
why (n) - roly
wide (m) - ehe
win (v) - sam
wind (n) - sohy
wind (v) - oswl
window (n) - eroto
wine (n) - otehy
wing (n) - metsy
wink (v) - otsyk
winter (n) - utsumo
wipe (v) - ushin
wire (n) - nymy
wise (m) - setse
wish (v) - fonef
with (preposition) - tsil
withdraw (v) - pylir
withhold (v) - rich
withstand (v) - uhyn
woman (n) - imw
wonder (v) - hityl
wood (n) - rero
wool (n) - echikw
word (n) - nothw
work (v) - achum
world (n) - tuky
worm (n) - esolo
worry (v) - epys
wound (n) - shehy
wrap (v) - akyth
wrestle (v) - mafah
write (v) - uror
wrong (m) - sache
yawn (v) - epor
year (n) - ifiky
yell (v) - notsash
yellow (color) - asothe
yesterday (m) - ekope
young (m) - ule
zero (num) - itse