The Pantheon
Anem - Gods of the Upper Realm

Na-Chorash: god of commerce, eloquence, communication (including divination), and travel. Na-Chorash also guides the spirits of the dead to the Lower Realm. He is the son of Na-Maruk and Vika-Lilan.
Na-Chorash is commonly depicted as a man holding a set of scales or a measuring rod.

Na-Lenas: goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility and motherly relationships. She is often paired with her daughter Na-Leral for the Rites of Losuash. She is honored at an eight-day festival at the start of the month of Lenasum, at harvest-time, and during marriages and funeral rites.
Na-Lenas is commonly depicted as a woman holding a sheaf of wheat.

Na-Leral: goddess of springtime and fertility, and is considered a life–death–rebirth deity. The daughter of Na-Lenas and Na-Maruk, she is honored in a eight-day festival at the start of the month of Lenasum, and during marriages and funeral rites.
Na-Leral is commonly depicted as a young woman holding a shepherd's crook

Na-Maruk: god of sky and thunder and the divine witness to oaths. Na-Maruk presides over the upper realm, and is therefore the patron to kings and emperors, as well as farmers and all others who rely upon the weather. He is the father of Na-Leral. Na-Maruk is honored by prayers at mid-day on the thirteenth day of each month on the Melokar Nol (day of light).
Na-Maruk is commonly depicted as a man wearing an ornate crown.

Na-Rashil: also known as Na-Rochak, father of the Anem. Na-Rashil is the god of generation, dissolution, beginnings and endings. The Melokar Sil (dark days) each month are in rememberance of him, and are considered unlucky. A festival is held on the Alonar Deh (day of completeness) which falls at the end of the month of Meten.
Na-Rashil is commonly depicted as a cloaked and hooded figure




Na-Minon: god of war and protection. Na-Minon is the gatekeeper and enforcer of the Anem.
Na-Minon is commonly depicted as a man with a Vorena's head and claws.

Na-Mog: Son of Na-Maruk.
Ashem - Gods of the Lower Realm







Vikai - Lesser Spirits
