Loko Osh Myrw
- The Rule of Conduct
- Keep the body clean and the mind clear.
- The Rule of Food
- Any animal meant for consumption must be slaughtered by quick decapitation.
It must not be allowed to experience fear or distress when it is killed.
- No animal may be slaughtered for food before it is of breeding age.
- After slaughter, an animal should be drained of blood, and be cooked before a day is passed.
After cooking, meat should be consumed within three days.
- All meats must be cooked twice, first by boiling and then cooked over fire.
- Do not eat the flesh of carnivores or carrion feeders.
- The flesh of omnivores may be eaten only if the animal has fed exclusively on plants for a full year.
- Do not eat the flesh of reptiles.
- Do not eat insects, worms, or other creeping things.
- Do not eat any part of any plants in the nightshade family.
- Do not eat any mushroom or other fungus.
- Fermented drinks may be consumed in moderation.
- Distilled drinks are to be avoided.
- The Rule of the Order
- Members of the order must not make contract for any reason.
- Members of the order must conspicuously wear the color red among their clothing.
- Members of the order are forbidden to touch money, or to possess land,
or to keep property in excess of what they can personally carry.