Invocation of Na-Maruk

  1. We call to Na-Maruk, the great god within Anemim, eternal king and lord of the infintite, who has seen all of history.

  2. Eldest son of Na-Serim and fathered by Na-Rochak the Dark, who wears the scarlet crown of Shratep.

  3. As ruler of gods men he hath received the staff of Motilah and the rods of Taches and the honor of his divine fathers.

  4. Let thy heart which is deep within the mountain of Nensuim be filled with joy, for thy son Na-Mog sits upon thy throne.

  5. Thou art the exalted lord of Solekam and ruler of all Basurul.

  6. Through thy will the world is verdant.

  7. Thy body is of gold, thy head is of azure, and emerald light encircleth thee.

  8. Soul of millions of years, all-pervading with thy body and beautiful in countenance.

  9. Grant thou to the spirit of Na-Maruk, splendour in heaven and might upon earth and triumph in Kadum;

  10. And that I may fly to Solekam like a living soul and up to Basurul like a falcon;

  11. And that I may go in and come out without rejection from the pillars of Solekam.

  12. May there be given unto me bread in the Great House of Ladat and offerings at Nensuim, and an eternal home in Basurul with food and wine forever.