Hymn to Na-Maruk
- We praise thee, Na-Maruk, Lord of eternity, King of the Anem, whose names are infinite, thou being of hidden form in the temples.
- Thou art the ruler of Basurul, and also the mighty one in Solekam.
- Thou art the Lord to whom praises are written in the tome of Rokabal, thou art the Prince of divine food in Anemim.
- Thou art the Lord who is commemorated in Motilah, the Hidden Soul, the Lord of Qatim, the Ruler supreme in the Dark Hall.
- Thou art the Soul of Na-Rashil, his own body, and hast thy place of rest in Nensuim.
- Thou art the beneficent one, and art praised in Nakhil.
- Thou makest thy soul to be raised up.
- Thou art the Lord of the Great House in Ladat.
- Thou art the mighty one of victories in Shratep, the Lord of eternity, the Governor of Taches.
- The path of his throne is in Tachesal.
- Thy name is established in the mouths of men.
- Thou art the substance of Two Lands.
- Thou art Na-Yatam, the feeder of The Twins, the Governor of the Companies of the Anem.
- Thou art the beneficent Spirit among the spirits.
- The god of the Celestial Ocean draweth from thee his waters.
- Thou sendest forth the north wind at eventide, and breath from thy nostrils to the satisfaction of thy heart.
- The stars in the celestial heights are obedient unto thee, and the great doors of the sky open themselves before thee.
- The imperishable stars are under thy supervision, and the stars which never set are thy thrones.
- Offerings appear before thee at the decree of Na-Chorash.
- The Companies of the Anem praise thee, and the Anem of the Other World smell the earth in paying homage to thee.
- The holy ones are overcome before thee, and all Kadum offereth thanksgiving unto thee when it meeteth Thy Majesty.
- Thou art the Power of the Company of the Anem, gracious is thy face, and beloved by him that seeth it.
- Thy fear is set in all the lands by reason of thy perfect love, and they cry out to thy name making it the first of names, and all people make offerings to thee.
- Thou art the lord who art commemorated in heaven and upon earth.
- Many are the cries which are made to thee at the Zhadil festival, and with one heart and voice Kadum raiseth cries of joy to thee.
- Unto thee Na-Maruk, we deliver Dashur, King of the lands of Kadum.
- May he be raised into Anemim and exalted forever.