Government of Losuria


Nismiram is a former part of the Sokam Empire, which is based on the continent to the south. It is currently a republic (as of 198 SE) politically divided into six provinces. Each province is controlled by a Zehua (Governor) elected by the public every five years.

Each Zehua in turn appoints twenty prominent citizens from the province to serve as Senators in the Grand Senate, which meets annually in Thelera-Morogon. The Senate appointments have no set term, but may be revoked upon the selection of a new Zehua.

Three of the provinces - Morogon, Thelos, and Selor - are large regions with significant economic power. The remaining provinces - Elidon, Minis, and Temin - are more economically isolate, with little direct influence in political issues.


When a settlement is faced with a problem, any clan leader may call for a council, where all the clan leaders gather together to work out a solution. This council is presided over by the leader of the highest ranking clan present. All decisions are made by consensus of the leaders of the "Living" clans, under the advisement of the leaders of the "Seeking" clans.

There are only nine common Seeking clans, with a implicit social ranking among them (all other Seeking clans are considered to have little or no rank). The common Seeking clans are (from high status to low): Book, Finding, Axe, Metalsmith, Wood, Merchant, Talking, Hunting, and Farming.

The Living clans are generally territorial and are usually named after the land they occupy (e.g. "Blue Hill", "Koba Ravine").


The Siluan have no organized form of government.


Shi territories are usually governed by a heirarchical system involving (from top to bottom) the Prime Director, the Members of the Directorate, the Civil Service, and the Citizenry.

The Prime Director is elected by the Members of the Directorate, and will generally retain the position for the rest of their life. In cases of corruption, incapacitation, or dereliction of duty the Prime Director may be removed from office by unanimous vote of the Directorate.

The Members of the Directorate are chosen for a lifetime term by the Prime Director, from those in the Civil Service who have expressed interest. On accepting the position, all of the property and assets of the new Member become property of the State, although they typically retain control over the property during the term of their service. Members of the Directorate are given the title of "Director", are provided with housing related to their duties, and receive a stipend to cover the cost of their daily needs. In cases of corruption, incapacitation, or dereliction of duty the Members of the Directorate may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the Directorate.

The members of the Civil Service are selected by the Directorate from those in the Citizenry who have passed the annual Civil Service exams. They are given positions of employment within the government, receive a reasonable rate of pay, and are allowed to own property.

The Directorate of the Rebublic of Kobam is limited to 50 members (including the Prime Director).