Geography of Nismiram

The Island of Nismiram

Nismiram is a large island at the north-west end of the Sokam Empire. It is roughly 2,255 km by 1,330 km, occupying 2,355,527 km2. Roughly 43% of this is arable land, or 1,016,774 km2. The remaining 1,338,752 km2 is divided among wilderness, rivers, lakes, and the like.


Nismiram's population is approximately 70,665,810 persons.

The average distance between villages is 4 km.
The average distance between towns is 53 km.
The average distance between cities (including big cities) is 125 km.

Nismiram supports 2 Universities.


Nismiram supports 155,464,782 head of livestock:

The largest agricultural export of Nismiram is cloth made from lila fibers. While attempts have been made to grow lila trees in other lands, the bark does not develop properly making them unsuitable for textile production.

Castles and Fortifications

The inhabitants of Nismiram have been building castles for the last 500 years.

There are approximately 1729 standing fortifications in Nismiram.

1,413 castles are in active use.
316 castles are ruined or abandoned.

1,297 castles are located in settled areas.
432 castles are located in remote areas, unsettled areas, or wilderness.

Major Cities


There are nine major cities in Nismiram, three of which have populations over 20,000.