Currency of Nismiram

The primary unit of currency in Nismriam is the Nezha-Shin, a gold coin weighing about 10g (.35 oz). For transactions valued at less than one Nezha-Shin, the silver Nezha-Chil weighing about 7.5g (.26 oz) or the copper Nezha-Mir weighing 2g (.07 oz) are used.

1 Nezha-Shin = 8 Nezha-Chil

1 Nezha-Chil = 16 Nezha-Mir

The average daily wage for an unskilled worker is 2 Nezha-Mir.

The primary unit of currency in Nismriam is the Nezha-Shin, a gold coin weighing about 10g (.35 oz). For transactions valued at less than one Nezha-Shin, the silver Nezha-Chil weighing about 7.5g (.26 oz) or the copper Nezha-Mir weighing 2g (.07 oz) are used. The obverse of all the coins features the likeness of the Emperor, in profile. The image on the reverse, along with the exchange rate between these coins, is given in the table below:

Coin Metal Weight Symbol on Reverse
Nezha-Shin gold 10g (.35 oz) The House of Government in Thelera-Thelos
Nezha-Chil silver 7.5g (.26 oz) The tower at Thelera-Ronil
Nezha-Mir copper 8g (.28 oz) A Lila tree leaf