Cosmology of Nismiram
According to the common human story, Na-Rashil accidentally made the whole of creation while he was trapped at the bottom of the Great Ocean which lay at the center of Anam (the realm of the Gods of the Upper Realm). This creation moved to the center, as all base things are want to do. The world, Losuria, rests at the center of creation
At some time during the age of creation, the Ashem left Anam to find a realm more to their liking. They settled in Asham, far beneath the surface of the world, and became the Gods of the Lower Realm.
Upon death, an individual is brought before Na-Sokon to be judged. Na-Sokon then determines where the deceased will be happiest, in Basurul under the control of the Anem, or with the Ashem in the Dark Hall. If the deceased would not be happy in either place they will be banished to the Solekam.
Anam is the Upper Realm and home of the Anem.
Asham is the Lower Realm and home of the Ashem. Ashemim lies far below the surface of the world. It is typically described as being dark, hot, and filled with fire.
Basurul is a city within Anam but separate from the Great House of Ladat. In Basurul, the departed spend their time in works of study and creation. Basurul is often described as a city of white marble and blue water.
Dark Hall
The Dark Hall is where the Ashem live, along with the spirits of those who Na-Chorash deems would be happiest there. Together they spend their time feasting and drinking at night, and hunting the beasts of Asham during the day. The wals of the Dark Hall are said to be made of obsidian.
Great House of Ladat
The Great House of Ladat is where the Anem live. It is from the Great House that the Anem rule the world and guide worldly events.
Solekam is the Outer Realm, of which nothing is known. Spirits and gods banished to Solekam do not return.