The Cities of Nismiram

(pop. ~950)
Once used as a fortress in defence agains sea attacks from the south, Pelam-Chil was used as a garrison when the island was part of the Sokam Empire, and became a port city afterwards.

(pop. ~1,750)
One of the largest market towns in Nismiram, the population of Shola-Elidon quadruples on the days when regional farmers and ranchers gather for market. The region's largest export is lila tree fiber and cloth.

(pop. ~650)
A small fishing village on the northwest coast.

(pop. ~650)
A small agricultural village known for producing fine cheeses. Bera-Minis is bounded on the north by cold, marshy tundra.

(pop. ~20,550)
The second-largest city in Nismiram, and a major center of trade for ocean-going merchants. Thelera-Morogon is located at the southernmost end of Nismira at it's closest point to the continent to the south.

(pop. ~510)
A small fishing village on the southern coast of Nismiram, Bera-Potes sees a lot of traffic in the form traders from the mainland.

(pop. ~2,800)
The sole population center of the small island to the west, Shola-Ronil is the location of the only large university in Nismiram.

(pop. ~34,050)
A major city on the mainland to the south, Thelara-Selor continued to have strong economic ties with Nismiram after the island was separated from the Sokam Empire.

Once a palace and fortress for a powerful pirate, Pelam-Sul now lies in ruins and is inhabited solely by wild folinai.

(pop. ~560)
A small fishing village on the northwest coast.

(pop. ~25,950)
The largest city in Nismiram. Thelera-Selor served as the seat of the Governor while the island was controlled by the Empire, and was the de facto capitol of the Republic afterwards.