Animals of Nismiram



Folina: A fleet ruminant with two straight horns. The folina prefers habitats with a wide variety of flowering plants such as savannah, woodlands, and open grasslands. They stand 100 to 125 cm at the shoulder and weigh 80 to 118 kg. Their coat is a sandy brown colour, with a lighter underbelly. Aside from being commonly hunted for its meat, the folina provides leather and milk, and has been domesticated in many areas.

Large Rodent

Morota: A large, herbivorous mammal with coarse, reddish-brown fur. Morota are semi-aquatic, living near bodies of water in grasslands and dense forests. They eat grasses and aquatic plands, as well as fruit, tree bark, and leaves. Morota live in groups of anywhere between ten and one hundred animals. They can run surprisingly fast and are excellent swimmers, which helps them evade predators. Adult Morota are from 115 to 140 cm in length, 50 to 65 cm tall, and weigh 40 to 75 kg. Morota tend to be docile and easily domesticated.

Large Ruminant

Tenoha: A large, heavy ruminant with a dark brown or black coat. Tenoha have short tails, large ears they can rotate, and two slightly spiraled horns. They typically inhabit boreal and mixed deciduous forests in temperate to subarctic climates. Tenoha stand anywhere from 190 to 200 cm at the shoulder, and they weigh anywhere from 380 to 720 kg.

Large Carnivore

Vorena: Vorena are large, omnivorous canids with coarse fur that ranges widely in color from light gray and brown to black. Vorena prey on large ruminants, as well as smaller mammals or birds, but are also scavengers, and will often subsist on plants when meat is scarce. Vorena reach an overall length generally no greater than 150 cm, a maximum height of about 80 cm, and weigh from 30 to 40 kg.


Small Lizard

Kosika: A small reptile that primarily feeds on small insects, kosika are usually brown or grey on the back shading to yellow or white on their undersides. It can spread out folds of skin attached to its movable ribs to form "wings" that it uses to glide from tree to tree over distances upwards of 8 meters; however it lacks the ability to sustain powered flight. Its wings are brightly coloured with orange, red and blue spots and stripes. Kosika can reach a total length of up to 23 centimeters. Kosika are capable of generating powerful electric shocks, which they use for self-defense.

Very Large Lizard

Poshega: Large reptiles that hunt prey including invertebrates, birds, and mammals, though they also eat considerable amounts of carrion. The skin of the poshega is usually brown or grey, and is reinforced by armoured scales, which contain tiny bones called osteoderms that function as a sort of natural armor. This makes the hide poorly suited for making into leather. Like its small cousin, the poshega can spread out folds of skin attached to its movable ribs to form "wings" that it uses to glide from the tops of large trees or cliff sides. Adult poshega can reach a total length of up to 3 meters in length and can weigh up to 160 kg. Aside from their formidable size and sharp teeth, poshega are venomous, and they can spit a flammable toxinup to 4 meters.



? (ostritch):


? (shelduck):


? (guineafowl):


? (goose):


? (bustard):


? (dove):



? (giant sugar cicada):